Showing 25–26 of 26 results

Turnip Purple Kitchen Garden Seed

  • The ideal ph of soil for gardening is 6.5-7.5.
  • Direct sunlight at least 6-8 hours per day.
  • Pot size at least 10- 12 or 12- 18 inches.
  • For irrigation use canal water it is best for plants otherwise use drinking water.
  • Irrigate plants once in winter season and twice in summer season and maintain good moisture for plants.
  • High and less moisture can damage the plant roots.
  • Water the kiari at 4-6 days of interval and maintain good moisture level.
  • Use proper kitchen gardening tools for maintaining your healthy kitchen garden plants.
  • Importantly weeding the crop properly and not use weedicides or other harmful chemicals.
  • For fertigation use organic fertilizer like dung, manure, compost or other organic mixtures.
  • Destroys the diseased plants properly.

Watermelon Kitchen Garden

  • The ideal ph of soil for gardening is 6.5-7.5.
  • Direct sunlight at least 6-8 hours per day.
  • Pot size at least 10- 12 or 12- 18 inches.
  • For irrigation use canal water it is best for plants otherwise use drinking water.
  • Irrigate plants once in winter season and twice in summer season and maintain good moisture for plants.
  • High and less moisture can damage the plant roots.
  • Water the kiari at 4-6 days of interval and maintain good moisture level.
  • Use proper kitchen gardening tools for maintaining your healthy kitchen garden plants.
  • Importantly weeding the crop properly and not use weedicides or other harmful chemicals.
  • For fertigation use organic fertilizer like dung, manure, compost or other organic mixtures.
  • Destroys the diseased plants properly.